Please note our Christmas break: no orders will be dispatched from 20 December 2024 to 6 January 2025

Merusal wash textile detergent

5 litres

Antimicrobial textile cleaner concentrate, especially for the gentle cleaning of sensitive and demanding textiles such as EMS sports equipment. Merusal wash is characterised by its good material compatibility and combats the cause of bad odours. Merusal wash is registered as a biocidal product.

Delivery: 2–3 working days (within Germany)

Net:€ 67.50

plus VAT€ 12.83

€ 80.33gross

plus shipping

Merusal fresh disinfectant

1 litre

Merusal fresh is an alcohol-free, ready-to-use preparation for disinfecting and cleaning your EMS waistcoats and pads and surfaces of all kinds. Optimal hygiene for your EMS equipment. Quick disinfection between training sessions for all textiles (EMS suits, wetsuits neoprene etc.)

Delivery: 2–3 workings days (within Germany)

Net:€ 9.50

plus VAT€ 1.81

€ 11.31gross

plus shipping

Merusal fresh disinfectant

10 litres

Merusal fresh is an alcohol-free, ready-to-use preparation for disinfecting and cleaning your EMS waistcoats and pads and surfaces of all kinds. Optimal hygiene for your EMS equipment. Quick disinfection between training sessions for all textiles (EMS suits, wetsuits neoprene etc.)

Delivery: 2–3 workings days (within Germany)

Net:€ 69.00

plus VAT€ 11.33

€ 80.33gross

plus shipping

Merusal Canister Starter Set

for 10 litre canisters

The Merusal Canister Starter Set for Merusal canisters consists of an outlet tap and a canister key for easy opening of the cap. This set is suitable for the 10 litre Merusal canister.

Delivery: 2–3 working days (within Germany)

Net:€ 8.50

plus VAT€ 1.62

€ 10.12gross

plus shipping

Merusal soft & care washing lotion

1 litre

Merusal soft & care wash lotion is a skin-caring wash lotion with a particularly fresh scent. It is pH-neutral and moisturising, protecting the body’s own protective skin film and the skin environment. The wash lotion cleanses mildly and is economical to use. Alkali and soap-free.

Delivery: 2–3 working days (within Germany)

Net:€ 6.00

plus VAT€ 1.14

€ 7.14gross

plus shipping

Pressure pump sprayer Profi 1.5L

1.5 litres

Professional pressure pump sprayer with 1.5 litre capacity. Similar to bodytec or amplitrain products, but bigger! Pressure container with »EasyOpen« haptic elements and filling scale for visual level control.

Delivery: 2–3 working days (within Germany)

Net:€ 13.50

plus VAT€ 2.57

€ 16.07gross

plus shipping

Merusal foam spray head

for Merusal 1-litre-bottles

Merusal foam spray head for 1 litre bottles. Suitable for all Merusal
1-litre bottles such as for Merusal fresh disinfectants.

Delivery: 2–3 working days (within Germany)

Net:€ 5.00

plus VAT€ 0.95

€ 5.95gross

plus shipping

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