Payment methods

We offer the following payment methods. Simply choose the payment method that suits you best. Please note that in the case of cross-border delivery, further taxes (e.g. in the case of an intra-Community acquisition) and/or duties (e.g. customs duties) may be payable by you in individual cases, but not to the seller, but to the customs or tax authorities responsible there. The delivery and shipping costs incurred are not included in the purchase price, they can be called up via the “Shipping costs” page, are shown separately in the course of the ordering process and are to be borne additionally by you.


Klarna (ex. SOFORT)






Please transfer the total amount of your order to our account:

Account holder: Positive Body GmbH
Bank name: Stadtsparkasse München
IBAN: DE42 7015 0000 0012 1010 36

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